

So with the each month’s full moon, I’ve found that my normally dreamless sleep gets a little clouded with images of all the people and things in my life. Most recently, actually, I’ve had an odd triad of dreams that are just plain odd, mainly because they aren’t as odd as dreams usually are.

One. As part of my summer plans, I have an honors class of 10 students, and I just gave the test today to decide which 10 out of the 30-some interested students would be able to study. The class was my friend and fellow PCV Deidre’s idea for her school, and it sounded so awesome that I wanted to do it myself. So… my dream was all about her exam and my trying to guess what she had on it. I don’t understand why, given my own exam was just fine but…

Two. One of my first months here, I put all four seasons of The Office on my computer, courtesy of my friend Bob’s ipod and Davey’s computer skills. I have watched these Office seasons more than I think appropriate and have officially become an addict. Well, the 5th season recently had its finale, and a few of the PCVs were talking about buying it, which brings me to my dream. I dreamt that I was going to buy season 5 of the Office next week when I was in Phnom Penh, with Bob, and was ecstatically happy. Bob and I are both anxious to see if the copyright laws are cool enough here to allow us to have access to that…

Three. This one is my favorite. It’s a little fuzzy, but it was something like me in an airport, with my cousin Katie, going somewhere not in the US… but I was entering the airport and planning on going ahead with her, just on the way. Except, I had no plane ticket for my next destination and my mother, who was with me for some reason, was very upset with me. Something about me being irresponsible and not preparing for things. She was upset in the dream… upset enough that I woke up and reconsidered any sort of request for a long amount of time… At least my grandma was there too!

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