I recently recieved the Peace Corps invitation that told me about my country and my service there. Survey says.....CAMBODIA!!! I will be leaving on the 20th of July and going to train for 3 months in-country before heading off to my service site to teach English in (probably) Upper-secondary school.
Now...you may be asking yourself, "But I thought she was supposed to go to French-speaking Africa...Cambodia isn't in Africa, is it?" Indeed, Cambodia is not in Africa, nor is it French speaking. The note that accompanied my invitation said that by the time I completed medical review (late, because of all the tests I had to take), my program had filled up and they put me in this one instead! I did say that I would go anywhere....
Fun facts about Cambodia...
-The Peace Corps program is very new, just starting in 2007.
-It is located by Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam, and is described as a big bowl, with flatlands in the middle and mountains on any given side. (Note the map here....
-My Peace Corps welcome book describes the people as kind and friendly, and the food as "excellent" with rice being used extensively. The direct quote is "The staple food is rice, so you can expect to eat a lot of it."

-The language is Khmer....whoa I have some work to do....That's what that photo is from....
So.... awkun ch'ran for reading this blog!
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