The four volunteers from my province grabbed a taxi and squeezed into the backseat all together in the very cozy style of Kampuchea. Usually in the backseat with the four adults there is a child or two standing or sitting in laps, but I didn’t experience that until I went on to my town. Taxis, which are usually the same style and color as my old grey Camry from the states, are packed with somewhere between eight and ten people (with one person sharing the same seat as the driver, which is actually on the wrong side of the car given the side they drive on) and gender roles are shattered as the sexes jam together in the tiny car. The mini bus taxis can usually put 16-20 people and it continues to amaze me. In the last min bus taxi I was in, someone crawled through the back window in order to sit next to me because the rest of the car was so full. It is very a very frugal method
I went to school the next day. Classes haven’t started yet, even though they probably should have, but the teachers go and the students go, all in uniform, and do…stuff. I’m still having a little trouble figuring out just what is going on, but I’ve gathered that there are announcements and some registering and cleaning and book-getting on the students’ part. And for the teachers…just…getting to know each other and visit I think. They show up sometimes at 7, or 8, or whenever and just chat and then go home. The students too also do much more visiting than anything else, though private classes are in full effect and my little sister goes to at least three per day. In this nice visiting time, I have met several different people, including the entire female staff (about 7 people out of more than three times that for the male staff), a young geography teacher (by the way, no one at my school can actually say geography) who is taller than me, a very rare occurrence, and a very wonderful English co-teacher who has been absolutely wonderful these past couple of days.
On Tuesday, when I was sitting in the office watching the students move about and being watched just the same, someone walked into the office and I heard “Khmer-American.” Strangely, a young 25 year old guy walked in (wearing a COLLEGE T-shirt from Animal House and khaki shorts and tennis shoes…That outfit screams American…), sat down, and spoke accent-free American English to me. Amazing. He’s visiting his family, he says, because his parents fled in the 80s and moved to Florida, and now they are coming back. He had been in country just a few
Side bar: another odd bit of news is that I found out my bed has termites or ants or something and they bit me while I was napping. They are little red ants with big black booties and I do not like them at all. I took pleasure in dowsing them in my bug spray.
Side bar 2: There is some information floating around about unrest on the Thai border because of the Preah Vihear temple and disputes about who it belongs to, but Peace Corps is keeping us informed and has all the knowledge we need. I am super close to the T
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