
As of now.....

Here is what I understand about my assignment and my time in Cambodian Peace Corps: My group of 38 people, about half of which I have talked to over facebook and email, will all be Teachers of Foreign Language (TEFL). I will leave on the 17th of July for San Francicso, where I will see my brother and then begin Peace Corps Staging, sort of an orientation to Peace Corps. On Monday the 21st, the plane leaves for Cambodia. We fly through Tokyo, through Bangkok, and arrive in Phnom Penh. From there we go to our training site, where we will learn the language in small groups of 4-5 people as we stay with a host family. The large group meets for special events and special larger-group training sessions. Training is intense, leaving very little time for any sort of exploration except for within my host family and small village.

At the beginning of October, we are sworn-in and transported to our sites. I won’t know where I am going until right before then, though, because training is one of the ways that the PC determines where we are going to live. When I am there, I will stay with another host family and teach English for a school…I don’t know the grade level (or levels) yet.

Other than that, the questions are up in the air! I will find out soon…but until then…on with the wait!

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