
To take or not to take.....

In less than two weeks I will be soaking up the sun of the Cambodian sky. I had my last day at Simpson College just this past Thursday and rushed home to Grandma’s house for the small-town Fourth of July celebrations. Considering that the majority of my possessions are stuffed into the trunk of my little car…I have yet to begin packing. However, I have been thinking about the things that I need, the things that I want, and the things that the current PCVs tell me not to bring (How I love the internet!).

What does a person pack for a two-year trek into another country?

A couple pairs of pants, Some skirts, Some shirts, Undergarments, Socks, Shoes (especially shoes, because my “Canoe feet” won’t fit into small Cambodian shoes)
Gifts for the host families, including some hats, some toys, some stickers….etc, etc, etc.
Conditioner, Deodorant, Contacts, Glasses, Hair brush, Toothbrush, Face Wash, non-PC bug spray.
Laptop, ipod, camera, pictures, paperwork, and a couple of books.
My blankie…because we all need something with absolutely no use besides sheer comfort.

Not Take:
Too many clothes (Because everything is so cheap and special clothes are required for women there)
Too much stuff (Because everything is so cheap there)

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